I am a persuasive storyteller who believes that sharing stories fosters empathy and can lead to meaningful change. I have captivated audiences from The Moth stage to the New York State Assembly. Through my experiences, I have witnessed the positive impact of compassionate policies on people's lives. This has driven me to work with companies to improve their parental leave and bereavement policies.

  • the moth, May 2024 Story Slam winner

Winning storyteller of the night. Told a 5-minute story (without notes) during a live event in Brooklyn. The evening’s host and co-author of How to Tell a Story, Kate Tellers remarked:

“One of the reasons I love storytelling is that it gives us a moment to mark and underscore those moments in our lives that we never want to forget and to bring people into our lives whom we never want to forget and introduce them to hundreds of people at once.

In our darkest stories there is always levity so I thank you for being able to weave that in too. That was really brilliant.”

  • REsolve.org advocacy day 2019 to 2024

    I support the national fertility associations’ efforts by directly engaging with policymakers in Congress and the Senate, I share my traumatic personal experiences with fertility treatments to galvanize political momentum for vital new legislation. I speak from the heart so my story resonates on a human level and compels action.

  • parent child security act speaker 2020

    I invited to Albany to share my story of loss and surrogacy before New York State legislators, alongside renowned figures including Andy Cohen, Reshma Saujani and Michelle Buteaux. My testimony about the profound hardship my husband and I endured helped galvanize support for legalizing commercial surrogacy in New York.



Podcast: InfertileAF

Podcast: The Uplifters

Podcast: The Courage Effect

other media

In June 2024, I was invited to the Senate to meet with Senator Chuck Schumer and share my story in support of the Right to IVF Act. I watched in the Senate gallery as the Republicans voted against this important legislation, stalling support for national protections and the decriminalization of IVF. Senator Schumer's staff shared a video featuring New York advocates, including myself.


To schedule a speaking engagement or book me as a guest on your podcast, click the contact button below.